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Friday, November 02, 2007

IISER up next!

well well!!
post the iit exams this is going to be my first meaningful gibberish(_note that i can be quite comprehensible when i want to!).
sisters and brothers of the kvpy community! i am at iiser kolkata!
here we are taught, as we were all informed during the summer camp of last year, all the four disciplines of science... pcmb that is.
but what we are actually aiming at is fusing these lines together, and promoting the scientific community as a whole.(this was my version of the iiser brochure documents!)
now for the real picture, iiser kolkata has no hostel and campus of its own and we are the first of many future batches(technically 2nd, but egotising is an important skill these days!).
the hostel is pretty far from the institute and we reach there by bus.
the highlight though is that we have no restrictions on the noise level we make at hostels and ,this is important, no protocols for punishment.
so everything you do is a trend setter (applause!)
apart from that , all you get here is a bunch of marginally intelligent (modesty?maybe!) people packed up, and voila!!
the effects are quite satisfying!!
we have a fab physics course, lapping up the intricacies of mechanical systems in general and exploring whats been wrong with the high school matter.
the computing course(read mathematics practical) is complementing the same course- we learnt python and gnuplot and together they help us model novel mechanical systems and see how they behave-- visualization that is!
the chemistry and biology take their toll -- i am not intersted in either but still its nowhere near physics in fabricational capacity.
but our biology department is exceptional and contains both good human beings and pedagogues(they usually are.) and there is an overall interest in biology because of them.
the maths is the boring now, but i intend to take it up afterwards-- we are doing the cornerstones of calculus now.
i guess that it got a tad tooo long, but you have to give in to egoTism (egoism with a T for talk, that is) sometime!
thats it.
about other kvampyiians,
sunita panda is studying mech. in nit trichy,
abhijit awadhiya is in iiserpune or niser,
jyothi v nair (bangalore camp) is in iiser kol
......... uh thats all,
and i have material for a post or two now!


Arun Chaganty said...

Cool! The courses are really nice. I've always felt that gnuplot and python MUST be taught to all freshies to complement ANY course. It's great that you get to set a trend. Unfortuneately, where i'm at (IITM), everything's been said and done (almost). So its harder to make some noise. But we're free as far as noise making and staying up late and not studying go.

Anonymous said...

hmm, how do you think will be the four year BS is Iisc compared to the iisers and pure physics at IIT-K?