providing a platform ..................since 1988!
its like arun once said, ppl really do have qualms about posting a little post, but hop on while writing massive comments(the list included me till yesterday!).
so at your service, and start typing on about where you are now and in which stream.
we do need to update ourselves!
and i sincerely do hope that the erudite discussions continue..and so do sul and tp posts.
i have got a new topic for discussion........... although it is more sociological and psychological than scientific. survival of the fittest has been a rule for evolution all over the history of earth. but now the mammalian life forms feel a duty to protect its peers, and the peak of culmination of this feeling is the human society as we see it today.
so is the sociey neccesary and if so, why?
first comment about your present whereabouts though.